

i am terrified of bats and lived in fear for the two years. the creaturs were getting into our attic.when siding come loose on our garage, i asked my husband to fix it immediately to avoid any more"bat"surprise.our freezer is in the garage,and just as he was about to repair the siding,i remembered i hadn’t taken any meat out for dinner."by the way,"i said to my husband,"while you are down there,grab a couple of steak,will you?"he look at me tolerantly and replied,"to drive through their little hearts?"
2,"to drive through their little hearts?"是什么意思呢,妻子让丈夫顺便取些steak回来,丈夫为什么会这么回答呢?

不知道能不能解释清:1.Drive through是国外快餐店的一种销售方式,也就是不愿下车的顾客可以开着快餐店(比如麦当劳)绕一圈,在绕行的时候,会依次经过点餐,结帐,取餐的窗口,从而完成一份take-out.2.Steak指用餐时的...