我希望用比较优美的英文翻译这段话.不需要追求一字一句都准确.非常感谢! 桂花,你是秋天里我最轻柔的思念,尽管,每一年都要等你肆意的香提醒,我才能注意到你的盛放.总是,那么的准时,在农历八月的某一天,在秋阳高照的白昼或是月光如水的夜晚,躲在那些深郁绿叶间的桂花,忽淡忽浓、忽远忽近的香托起了我的目光,目光欣喜地抚摸着满树星星点点的淡黄,好一个“揉破黄金万点轻”!桂花,年复一年奔流着芬香,朵朵堆积成的心事亦不变.不过,是一夜的风,一夜的雨.我兀自庆幸着这风雨消散了残留的暑热,在一片清凉中安然酣睡,却忘记了你们,我的桂花.而,无论如何,那一幕,我却决计难再忘却,风雨已停,你们却是这风雨之后的痕迹,每一棵桂花树的脚下,圆圆一圈,层层叠叠,一朵一朵的淡黄,都是这季节零落的心事. 每个花都是四个瓣的,围在一起象几个小娃娃挤在一起玩游戏.桂花有黄色,红色,像一闪一闪的小星星,点缀在绿色的天空里. 春天,她悄悄地换叶,不与百花争春;夏天,她为住房遮荫,招来阵阵清风,让人们在她身前舒适地漫步、休闲,带给人们清爽的欢乐时光;秋天,当百花谢尽,落叶满地的时候,她迎着秋霜,吐蕊扬花,把淡淡清香送进千家万户,带给人们沁人心脾的芬芳.即使到了冬天,她仍然展示着浓浓的绿冠,天寒地冻终不改对春天的向往. 这是一棵挺高的桂花树,树上结满桂花,金色的花蕾灿然,暗香浮动,惊鸿照影,香气随着夜风流了过来,我顿时觉得百骸俱爽,心旷神怡,而那棵桂花树,也仿佛有了人的灵性,尽情地释放它的情怀.明年的桂花一定会和今年的一样香,明年的桂花茶一定会和今年的一样好喝,明年的生活一定比今年更好.
I hope with more beautiful English translation of this passage. Don't need to be accurate and literal pursuit. Thank you very much! Osmanthus flowers, you are in the autumn I most gentle thoughts, though, every year you have to wait for the incense to remind, I can pay attention to your flourish. Always, so on time, in the August one day, in the best of luck QiuYang day or night water-like moonlight, hide in the deep blue of the green leaves osmanthus flowers, and light and strong, farther and nearer and incense caught behind my eyes, the look was delighted to touch the full tree pinpricks of weak yellow, good a "rub all the gold point light"! Osmanthus flowers, year after year torrential sweet-smelling, likely the accumulation of the same mind into also. However, a night of wind, a night of rain. I rejoice as this storm lift remnants