帮我分析一下这两个句子的句子成分 主谓宾定状补 什么重句.


帮我分析一下这两个句子的句子成分 主谓宾定状补 什么重句.
1.Hamburg parsley is popular,not surprisingly,in Germany,home to the city of Hamburg.
2.In colder climates,parsley can go into the ground two to three weeks before the last winter freeze is likely to happen.

1、Hamburg parsley 主语,is popular谓语, not surprisingly状语, in Germany地点状语, home to the city of Hamburg修饰Germany的同位语.
2、In colder climates时间状语,can go into 谓语, the ground 宾语, two to three weeks时间状语,before之前是主语,before之后是个从句the last winter freeze主语, is likely to happen谓语.