(机器翻译免)翻译几句话 .


(机器翻译免)翻译几句话 .
昨天看了考试成绩,令我意想不到的是您居然给我了我这么好的评价,我看过之后心情很复杂.您了解我的英语水平和课堂表现,情况很一般.但您却给我了这样的高分,确实感到很惭愧 .
希望您在家度过一个美好的假期 .

dear Professor
Yesterday I saw test scores. To my surprise,you gave me me so good evaluation. I am very complexed after seeing the scores. You know my english level and class performance is common. I feel very ashamed that you gave me such a high score.
However, thank you very much foraffirmation and encouragement , I will study harder and will not live up to you.
You're a excellent professor, I will always rememberyour help.
Hope you have a nice holiday.