

A good breakfast is important.We can easiy understand why.We have not eaten anything for about t_____ hours by brtakfast time.Our bodies need food for m_____ activities
One good breakfast should be rice or b______ an egg ,milk and fruit.On a cold morning a cup of h____drink is necessary
We must get up early to have plenty of time to eat breakfast A good breakfast helps us to be smile more easily .It helps us to be more friendly and also to work b_____and play more happily.
第二行的brtakfast是breakfast 摆脱 1我可不想在想去了

tenmorebread hot better一顿营养的早餐是必要的.我们很容易就能理解为什么.在吃早饭的时候我们已经空腹了将近十个小时.我们的身体需要食物为许多活动提供能量.一顿营养的早餐应该吃粥、面包、一个鸡蛋、牛奶或是水...