英语改错题 一共有十个错误


英语改错题 一共有十个错误
The crowd roared with appreciation as the drivers waved to them while slowly
strutting onto the track and getting into their race car for the practice laps. They saved
their loudest cheers for their very own local racing hero, Lewis, with thunderous
claps of approve. As he nodded and waved to acknowledge their support before
getting into his raced car, Lewis reflected that this was just another routine practice.
Beads of perspiration rolled down the sides of his forehead. He wiped them
dry before putting on his helmet and adjust his seat-belt. As he sped round
the track, all he could think of is improving on his timing since the actual race
would be his first as a professional racer. While still very much lose in his own
thoughts, he did not realized that he was steering dangerously close to the
other driver who was into his blind side. The next thing he saw when he opened
his eyes was the ceiling light and a nurse cleaning his wounds in the hospital.

The crowd roared with appreciation as the drivers waved to them while slowly
strutting onto the track and getting into their race car for the practice laps.They saved
their loudest cheers for their very own local racing hero,Lewis,with thunderous
claps of approve(approval).As he nodded and waved to acknowledge their support before
getting into his raced car,Lewis reflected that this was just another routine practice.
Beads of perspiration rolled down the sides of his forehead.He wiped them
dry before putting on his helmet and adjust(adjusted) his seat-belt.As he sped(speeded) round
the track,all he could think of is improving on( -- ) his timing since the actual race
would be his first as a professional racer.While still very much lose(lost) in his own
thoughts,he did not realized(realize) that he was steering dangerously close to the
other driver who was into(on) his blind side.The next thing he saw when he opened
his eyes was the ceiling light and a nurse cleaning his wounds in the hospital.