the older i grow英语作文!急!


the older i grow英语作文!急!

The Older I Grow,the More Pains I Have.(Kaiser3344手写)
  The older I grew,I began to think about my life.Why should I have to work very hard?Why are some people so rich and some poor?These questions troubled me a great deal.I felt very confused and helpless.In addition,I found some of classmates dated,which was not allowed.I had the same feelings as they did.A girl was very good to me,and often invited me to a film during Sundays.I didn't know whether I should accepted her.What a trouble!
  My pains continued.When I entered a senior school.I faced a fact that I had to choose a good college for my higher education.What college should I go to and what major should I take?
  The older I grew,the more pains I had,Did such a situation occur to you?