

去爱吧,就如同不曾受过伤害一样,跳舞吧,就如同没有人注视一样,唱歌吧,就如同没有人聆听一样,工作吧,就如同不需要金钱一样,生活吧,就如同今天是末日一样 .

No matter who you are,a scraggy boy or a girl who is a little fat.We can just choose a way we like to enjoy life itself,ignoring the comment from others,avoiding the sense of inferiority.Maybe you are short,but it can't be the barrier of your playing basketball,which can bring you happiness.Maybe you are a little fat,but you can still enjoy the delicious ice-cream.The outer beauty is just the first glance you give to others,but the inner beauty is the reason that you get love.So just do like someone ever said,
To love just like never been hurt,to dance just like nobody is staring at,to sing just like nobody is listening to,to work just like there is no need of money,to embrace your life just like today is the final of the world.