帮忙改个英语短文 看看哪里有错


帮忙改个英语短文 看看哪里有错
1.I won't be able to take care of you when you fall ill ,I let you down.I'm very
sorry indeed,but there's something I must say.That is distance.I think you came
to understant me.Take care of youself.
2.It was two decades a baby was give the world.he was a indrawn boby ago,for he
grown up in a rural areas.But he is a sunny boy now.
3.I wandered a long way when we look back on
these years.And it hook up to success.But the
way having a lot of barricade ,And I always tripped by the barriers.lead to the success
keep me at bay.
一楼的 怎么改的

1.I won't be able to take care of you when you fall ill ,I have let you down.I'm very sorry indeed,but there's something I must say.That is distance.I think you will come to understand me later.Take c...