1、Amy tried ____(open) the door ______ (填介词,用)a knife


1、Amy tried ____(open) the door ______ (填介词,用)a knife
2、Be q_____ We have _____ (run) quickly ,or we _____(miss) _____(catch) the bus
3、The little girl is afraid ____(speak) English in front of the strangers ._____ _____(反意疑问句)
4、改错:Which floor do you live The third.______
5、There are not any other ways ________(go)=There are _____ _____ ways _____ _____

opening 尝试
with 用
will miss catching
to speak isn't she
live on
to go no other to go
多谢!可以写明每一题的理由吗?try doing尝试做某事with 用工具quick be 动词后面用形容词to run have to + 动词原形表示不得不miss在这里是将来时态,还没有发生,miss+动词的ing,表示错过做某事to speakbe afraid to do 不敢做某事isn't she前面的主语是女孩,所以用she,前面是肯定,反义疑问句就要用否定的问。live on 居住应该是居住在楼上,而不是居住楼。are not any other=no otnernot any=noto go 要走,动词不定式修饰前面的名词way。可以了吧,亲?老师祝你学习快乐!