填空,填介词,One day,Mr and Mrs Smith went shopping( 1 ) car.接下They stopped their car ( 2 )a shop.Then they went ( 3 ) the shop.They bought lots ( 4 ) things.They wanted to put the things( 5 ) their car.But they couldn't open the door ( 6 ) the car.Mr Smith asked a policeman to help.The policeman was very friendly ( 7 ) them and helped them open the car.Suddenly a man shouted,"What are you doing with my car?" Mr and Mrs Smith looked ( 8 ) the number of the


填空,填介词,One day,Mr and Mrs Smith went shopping( 1 ) car.接下
They stopped their car ( 2 )a shop.Then they went ( 3 ) the shop.They bought lots ( 4 ) things.They wanted to put the things( 5 ) their car.But they couldn't open the door ( 6 ) the car.Mr Smith asked a policeman to help.The policeman was very friendly ( 7 ) them and helped them open the car.Suddenly a man shouted,"What are you doing with my car?" Mr and Mrs Smith looked ( 8 ) the number of the car.They opened the wrong one.They said sorry ( 9 ) him.

2. at
4. of
6. of
7. to
9. to


1、in 2、into 3、of 4、into 5、in 6、to 7、at 8、to

They stopped their car ( near )a shop.Then they went ( into ) the shop. They bought lots ( of ) things. They wanted to put the things( in ) their car. But they couldn't open the door ( of ) the car. Mr Smith asked a policeman to help. The policeman was very friendly ( to ) them and helped them open the car. Suddenly a man shouted,"What are you doing with my car?" Mr and Mrs Smith looked ( at ) the number of the car. They opened the wrong one. They said sorry ( to ) him.

near into of in of to at to

(2)at 或in front of
(4) of
(5) in
(6) of
(7) to
(8) at
(9) to


1.by 2.near 3.into 4.of 5.in 6.of 7.to 8.at 9.to