

sit on that pile of newspapers
ask me to write a composition on newspapers
soon after the term started
some Grade Eight students at Mayfield School
publish a newspaper
hold a meeting
elect Joyce to be the chief editor
ought to elect a secretary
ask for suggestions
have experience
start taking notes

sit on that pile of newspapers 坐在那堆报纸上
ask me to write a composition on newspapers 让我写篇关于报纸的文章
soon after the term started 学期开始不久
some Grade Eight students at Mayfield School 一些曼菲尔德学校的八年级学生
publish a newspaper 发行一份报纸
hold a meeting 开一场会
elect Joyce to be the chief editor 选举乔伊斯做主编
ought to elect a secretary 应该选举一位秘书
ask for suggestions 询求建议
have experience 拥有经验
start taking notes 开始做笔记