need doing/need to do used to/be used to 各造五句


need doing/need to do used to/be used to 各造五句

My car needs repairing.
I need to go to the dentist's this afternoon.
I used to go to school by bike.
My neighbour is used to the changing climate here now.

Your house needs repairing. (= Your house needs to be repaired.) 你的房子需要被修缮一下.
My hair needs washing badly. (= My hair needs to be washed badly.) 我的头发非常需要洗一洗.
The garden needs watering. (=The garden needs to be watered.) 花园需要浇水.
I need to mend my bike. (=My bike needs mending.) (=My bike needs to b mended.)
The room needs cleaning.(=The room needs to be cleaned) (= I need to clean the room.)

used to do 表示过去常常做某事,而现在往往不做了
be used to doing 表示习惯于做某事

I used to get up early in the morning when I was still a high school student.
I am used to eating rice now. 我现在习惯吃大米了.

Tom used to take a walk after supper when he lived in China.  (过去常常散步)
Tom is used to taking a walk now.(现在习惯于散步)
My elder brother used to be a PLA man. He is now a teacher.
He was used to the cold weather after he lived there for two

I used to teach English, but now I teach math. 我过去教英语,但现在教数学.
I am used to teaching English.我对教英语已习惯了.

I used to have a walk after supper, but now I'm used to playing basketball.