排列句子顺序,使其成为一个完整的小对话(英语)( ) That's too bad.Exercise is really important.( ) Okay.I really need to be fit again.(1 )Bobby,what do you do for exercise?( ) I know.I'm getting a little fat.I didn't use to be this heavy.( ) I used to swim when I was in high school,but now I don't have time any more.( ) I go swimming once a week.How about you?( ) Well,I'm going swimming tonight.Do you want to go with me?


( ) That's too bad.Exercise is really important.
( ) Okay.I really need to be fit again.
(1 )Bobby,what do you do for exercise?
( ) I know.I'm getting a little fat.I didn't use to be this heavy.
( ) I used to swim when I was in high school,but now I don't have time any more.
( ) I go swimming once a week.How about you?
( ) Well,I'm going swimming tonight.Do you want to go with me?


( 4 ) That's too bad.Exercise is really important.( 7 ) Okay.I really need to be fit again.(1 )Bobby,what do you do for exercise?(5 ) I know.I'm getting a little fat.I didn't use to be this heavy...