most of students 于 的区别( )student English in our school.为什么用most student 而不是 most of students ?急需答案啊!1拜托啦!~~~~(>_


most of students 于 的区别
( )student English in our school.
为什么用most student 而不是 most of students ?急需答案啊!1拜托啦!~~~~(>_

most of的话就会是 most of our students 是这样的

Most student ,这里的most 是形容词,直接加名词.
而Most of,这里的most 是名词,是大多数的意思.
most of 既然是大多说,那么必定后面的名词是特定的,不是泛指,所以必须要加定冠词或者是所有格形式或者形容词之类的修饰限定的词,例如 most of the students,或者most of the intelligent students,或者most of our students.