


The agreement, modify or terminate
( a ) this agreement signed by both parties, shall go into force. Valid for one year, before the agreement expires, if the two sides receive the other written objection, agreement will be automatically extended for one year.
( two) matters covered in this agreement, both parties, to supplement the agreement to be added, the supplementary agreement as the annex agreement, and this agreement has the same legal effect.
( five) two copies of this agreement, both sides armed with a copy of the covenant, and has the same legal effect.

validity,amendment and termination of the Agreement
1.the agreement will be put into effect based on the signature and seal from both party.The validity is one year and the agreement will be postponed if each party has not recieved opposition in writing before the expiration.
2.More disagreement will be added through consultation and suplementary agreement,the suplementary agreement is as the attachment of the agreement,which has the same legal effet.
5.The agreement has two copies,both party hold one of them ,and both copies share the same legal effect.