

Funny as the cartoon is,the symbolic meaning behind the picture is deep.People around the world may feel that the climate has been getting warmer and warmer in recent years.Places which used to be planty of snowfall have frequently experienced no snow winters,Drought lasts longer in some dry areas.A warmer global climate melts the ice caps,raising sea levels,it has posed a serioud threat to the survival of humanity in the future.
There are many causes for this problem,and It is urgent that immediate and effective actions should be taken right away.First,more trees need to be planted to help improve environment.secondly,stricter laws concerning global warming and use of fuel have to be put into effect.More importantly,one should seek and learn better ways to live a green way of life.

Funny as the cartoon is,the symbolic meaning behind the picture is deep.People around the world may feel that the climate has been getting warmer and warmer in recent years.Places (where) (there) used to be plenty of snowfall have frequently experienced no snow winters,(and) drought lasts longer in some dry areas.A warmer global climate melts the ice caps,raising sea levels,it (which) has posed a serious threat to the survival of humanity in the future.
There are many (reasons) for this problem,and It is urgent that immediate and effective actions (action) should be taken right away.First,more trees need to be planted to help improve (the)environment.(Second),stricter (strict) laws concerning global warming and use of fuel(fuels) have to be put into effect.More importantly,one should seek and learn better ways to live a green way of life.