1.Pleasec all me on 432-6142
2.I don't know he number
Please call me on 432-6142
I don't know his number
- 帮我修改一下作文《妈妈,您误解了我》《妈妈,您误解了我》不知何时起,您无法走进我的内心世界,无法再解读我的心路历程,也无法用您的心来与我“将心比心”了.不知是我变得成熟了,还是您已经老了,您对我不再“了如指掌”,我的世界已经成了您的“未知区域”.虽然您千方百计想涉足这个领域,但总是被无缘无故地拒之门外.即使这样,您也不会放弃.那天,您突然问了这样一句话:“‘妈妈’在你心中是什么地位?”我怔了一下,随即破颜而笑,“当然是非常重要了!”一句敷衍的话语,却得到了您的会心一笑,心中真是羞愧难当.事后,我思考了良久,虽然心中还是没有确定的答案,但我想,您难道只是想问那人问题吗?前几天,您因为上网遇到问题而来向我寻求帮助,而我也正好与几个难题大战了好几回合.听到您在叫我,我疾步走到您身边,一把抢过鼠标,教书先生般的指点着.指导完毕,我不耐烦地撇下一句:"下回就不用烦我了吧!"您沉默不语,而我仿佛从您的眼神中读到丝丝的忧伤夹带着失望.那以后,耳边便很少响起您的问候,而我的心里也变得空荡荡的.……伏案疾书,耳畔再
- 谁能帮我解决这个英语难题?就是根据以下提示编一个两人的英语对话(20句左右)Tell your friends an experience about traveling.(告诉你的朋友一次旅游的经历)最好是在中国范围内(江南地区一带)要20 句左右
- 最好8级水平帮我改一下哈 语法错误和拼写错误After a well-rounded study,I know that the CGA course offered by ZUEL is a program between ZUEL and the Certified General Accountants Association of Canada.It mainly has 3 goals.The first one is to acquire a master degree of the ZUEL.After that,students taking the CGA course will try to get a CGA professional certificate.The final goal of the course is to get a MBA degree in Canada.It is known that a good command of English is si
- 请各位英文大侠来帮我看看这段英文有没有语法上的错误,1.\x05It is reported that ten big cities in China are being ranked among the top twenty cities with the highest pollution index in the world.This means it is high time we did something to bring the situation under control.Many factors are contributing to the deteriorating situation:industrial wastes pumped into the air,the lakes and rivers; a increasing number of automobiles crowding into the streets; the widespread use of pl
- 养鱼场有很多鱼池,要知道有个鱼池有多少条鱼,渔业人员想出了一个巧妙的办法.他们先在鱼池捞起40条鱼他们先在一个鱼池里捞起40条鱼,给每条鱼做个记号,然后把它们放回鱼池里.鱼回到鱼池里,向四面八方游开了.过了几天,这40条鱼就平均分布在各个地方了.渔业人员又在这个鱼池里捞起60条鱼,根据其中带记号的鱼的数量,就可以算出这个鱼池里大约有多少条鱼.为什么? (请回答者详细写出来算式和答案,有时间的人可以帮我细心解释.谢谢,回答者!)请大家快点,谢谢大家了!
- 三道高中水平的英语问题第一问:the sharks have attacked a number of people 【off】 the beach of America,some of them a re seriously injured.我想请问这里的off是什么用法?是不是输入错误了?如果说是attack .off,那么后面的作为地点,应该充当地点状语,但是名词不可能直接充当状语.如果说这个off和后面的名词搭配作介词,构成地点状语的,那么请问这个off应该怎么理解呢?=第二问:they started off late and got to the airport with minutes to (spare/leave)答案是spare,因为网上说spare有剩余,多出的意思.但leave不是也有剩余,剩下的意思吗?为什么不能用呢?=第三问:Unlikey,they had a 【flat tire】 on the way back.flat和tire各自是什么意思?它们在此处各自的意
- 在公差不为零的等差数列{an}的前n项和,已知s2在上3在下=9s2,s4=4s2,求数列{an}的通项公式那个算出来了,帮我看这个吧。在锐角三角形ABC中,角A,C的对边分别为abc,已知2acosA=
- 斌下面加一个贝 这个字麻烦谁帮我打一下
- 请帮我修改作文的语法错误Today was my father's birthday.I decided to give him a surprise,so I went to the shop and bought a gift.Then,I went home by subway train.Had been thing about how happy he was when he received the gift,I was so excited that I can hardly sat on my seat silently.At the next stop,got on a grandma,holding two big bags in her hands.She looked very tired.I began thinking to myself whether I should give my seat to her.Then about one minutes passed
- 急修改2篇作文语法错误帮帮我修改下文章的错误之处,一定不要有语法错误,尽量改的简洁(语法简单,常用的单词).如果你愿意,可以做大的改动.★★★★★我的名字叫…,今年19岁,现在在校就读中.我的家在烟台,家里有爸爸、妈妈、姐姐和我,我们的家庭很幸福.我是一个很内向的人,情绪很容易受到外界环境的影响.同时我也很乐于助人.我有很多的朋友,他们给我带来了很多快乐.我的爱好很广泛,例如:足球、篮球、睡觉、看书、上网、听歌、历史.1,Introduce oneself ★I an xxx,19 years old this year,while studing in at school now.My home is in Yantai,there is my family,father,mather,elder sister and i,our family is very happy.I am a very introversive person,mood is very easy to be influe
- 直线x-y=2被圆(x-a)^2+y^2=4所截得的铉长为2√2,则a的值,
- 一个竹字头一个 均 念什么啊