英语选择题( 二)


英语选择题( 二)
12.I had no______ in the decision; I had nothing to do with it.
A. share B. shares C. sharingD. shared
13 The negotiators believe that it is _________both parties to establish a joint venture in Shanghai.
A. in the interest of B. in response to
C. for the reference ofD. grateful to
14The Democratic Party must reach out to the people and _________its message if it is to win the election.
A. figure outB. take overC. drive homeD. throw up
15Many people are still unwilling to buy on credit. The idea of spending money before one earns it _________among the Chinese.
A. has not yet taken holdB. has not yet put across
C. has passed away D. has not yet fitted into
16 .Mrs. Newman hurried home after work, only _________both her kids gone for the movie.
A. finding B. found C. to find D. having found
17 Our teacher is strict ______ us. He never allows us to write _____carelessly.
A. with , that B. with , suchsoC. to, such as D. to,so
18.Every means _______ prevent the water from_______.
A. are used to , polluting B. get used to, polluting
C. is used to , pollutdD. is used to, being polluted
19 The milk smells _________sour.
A. as if it is B. like it isC. as if it wasD. like it was
20Sports is not just for fun or exercise. It is also good for _________building.
A. capacityB. reputationC. confidenceD. character

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