

I met Rachel at a party and we fell right into a close connection.
At the end of the evening,while discussing possible New Year’s Eve
Rachel confessed she may not be up to going out.She explained,“For the past 2 years,I’ve been having fun with cancer.” (这句不会翻译)
For the 2 years before that,I’d been volunteering one day a week in a 28 bed hospice ward as part of my spiritual practice.两年前,我在一家有28个床位的收容所做志愿者,(后半句不会)
I knew at once how serious Rachel’s illness was,and I was sensitive to my own urge to run.我立刻知道了Rachel的病是多么严重,(后半句不会)But we really liked each other,and fell in love.但是我们真的相互喜欢,并坠入了爱河.
Many of my friends were dubious of my taking on the hard work and heartache obviously ahead.我的一些朋友(不会)But when they got to know Rachel,they loved her too,and supported us loyally throughout the last year and a half of Rachel’s life.但是他们认识Rachel后他们也爱上了她,并且忠诚的支持我们一年半.
During the first several months of our relationship,Rachel underwent radiation for the third recurrence of cancer.在我们相处的几个月里,Reachel因为癌症第三次发作接受了化疗.We functioned well as patient and caregiver because we’d both had practice!This radical difference in our roles didn’t hamper our relationship,though,because my time with the hospice had taught me to see the essential person inside the illness,and not to be afraid in the presence of suffering.(后面不知该怎么翻译了)

Rachel confessed she may not be up to going out.She explained,“For the past 2 years,I’ve been having fun with cancer.” Rachel坦诚她大概不会出去渡假.“在过去的两年中,我一直在与癌症作斗争”For the 2 ...