

Drucker’s most recent book,his autobiographical Adventures of a Bystander,belongs to none of these categories.18 No matter.The cast of characters among whom Drucker moves,especially in the European chapters,is superbly rich,and the informed glimpse he provides of a vanished social and political universe is an education in itself.Adventures is often better than a novel,more lively than an essay,and as thoughtful as both at their best.The Age of Discontinuity is in the same class.This,too,offers pleasure reading,albeit of a different sort.It is becoming ever more important for top managers to think productively about the significant shape of the future,and Discontinuity provides an endlessly provocative model for doing so.If ever there is time enough and the mood of reflection is with you,work your way slowly through The Future of Industrial Man.This is Drucker’s vision of the central problems facing industrial society – those of freedom and legitimacy – which do not appear nightly on the television news.
