碰到一个英语长句晕了,it makes a big different writing for instruments of whose character one has only an incidental notion,which one hears only in the mind——or writing for an instrument that one knows through and through,as I do the piano,where i know exactly what I'm writing and why I write in such and such a way.出自勃拉姆斯给友人的一封信,我觉得大意是他创作时遇到的困难,就是创作必须依赖钢琴找灵感,但为其他乐器写旋律时仍然很棘手


it makes a big different writing for instruments of whose character one has only an incidental notion,which one hears only in the mind——or writing for an instrument that one knows through and through,as I do the piano,where i know exactly what I'm writing and why I write in such and such a way.

音乐方面的词弄不太懂.大意是,给character one has only an incidental notion的乐器写谱子,和给自己完全了解的乐器写谱子,是很不同的,就像我写钢琴曲,我清楚的知道我在写什么,我为什么这么写.incidental notion 可...