英语翻译Book publishers try to get authors on TV "talk show" because this generate a lot of interest -and book sales - at no cost to the publishers.后面的-and book sales - at no cost to the publishers.是什么语法结构阿?还有at no cost ,at是什么用法,麻烦英语好的帮我详细解释下,


Book publishers try to get authors on TV "talk show" because this generate a lot of interest -and book sales - at no cost to the publishers.后面的-and book sales - at no cost to the publishers.是什么语法结构阿?还有at no cost ,at是什么用法,麻烦英语好的帮我详细解释下,

because引导一个原因状语从句。 and book sales 和interest是并列结构,做generate的宾语。 后边的那部分,应该是个同位语吧。对interest-and-booksales的进一步说明。不过我不确定了。还请指教。

at no cost 不用代价,cost 的固定搭配,前面一般用at, at all costs 不惜代价

-and book sales - 是插入成分,可以理解为interest的同位成分.大可以去掉,把句子拆成Book publishers try to get authors on TV "talk show" because this generate a lot of interestat at no cost to the publishe...

1. 。。。这有什么语法结构啊,你把破折号删了一起看不就好了,加个破折号表示强调,说明出版商的真实最终目的。
2. 这是固定的介词搭配,at the cost of…… 以……为代价
就像at the speed of…… 以……的速度前进一样,这是固定搭配~at no extra cost不用付出额外的代价
The above information will be listed at no cost.以上资料免费刊登。
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