which bank is the poorest bank in the world?
which bank is the poorest bank in the world?
应该是river bank
这是道脑筋急转弯,因为bank一词多义,不仅仅是银行的意思,river bank是河岸的意思
- 英语翻译Someone call me from TNT staff they inform that painting now with themI told them to deliver here and I am willing to pay on delivery timeshe don't agree instead she asking to pay thru BPI bank which is notavailable in Puerto.I am willing to pay that tax as long they candeliver that painting in my address.This is not the first time wereceived parcel from TNT I usually pay them when they delivered alsoshe told me to inform the seller to call them.M
- Which bank is the nearst to your school 改为同义句
- Tom has a little money in the bank,__support his family 我们老师说这里填with which to 作定语,请问是做谁的定语呀?
- study,brother,which,Tom’s,in,school,does[?]连词成句 can,how,get,I,bank,the,to连词成句
- study,brother,which,Tom’s,in,school,does[?]连词成句 can,how,get,I,bank,the,to连词成句
- 英语翻译wave form editor (version 1 only)Waves can be mixed from harmonics or drawn directly.A set contains 16 waves which can be assigned freely to notes in the sequencer.Each memory bank holds its own wave set.pattern functionsPattern structures can be shifted stepwise,inverted and copied between channels.Version 2 also has pingpong and random playback modes.global editingBesides manipulation of individual notes,it is also possible to control all notes
- 英文翻译~!救我.That commitment would have to be strong enough to survivefor an extended period and to support difficult decisions such as rendering the central bank independent, adhering to fiscal and exchange rate arrangements even if the policy stance conflicts with that which would be adopted on the basis of purely domestic considerations, and accepting supranational directives. These are very considerable prerequisites for success.
- 英语翻译Performance Bank GuaranteeAs aforesaid without your needing to prove or to show grounds or reasons for your demand for the sum specified therein.We hereby waive the necessity of your demanding the said debt from the Contractor before presenting us with the demand.We further agree that no change,addition or other modification of terms of the Contract or of the Works to be performed thereunder or of any of the Contract documents which may be made be
- 英语问题关于口语交际1.how do you like Chinese tea?very much .答这个可以吗?问你怎么认为中国茶?怎么能说very much?2.8dollars for the first three minutes and 5dollars for each further minute.how much will the man pay if he makes a five-minute call?翻译下列各句3.i will have the tea i have right here.4.he is welcoming his new foreign students.5.have a nice stay 6.m sure there~s no ghost in the world,______i have never seen one,A now and then B at least 7.there~s a bank on the second floor in
- 英语翻译Already I have informed this bank about my intention to claim my late father's deposit.The bank told me to look for a foreign partner who will assist me in the transfer due to my refugee status here,as a refugee I am not allowed direct claim of the money but through an appointed representative as the united refugee law governing refugee all over the world states.
- 中国结阅读答案,开头是中国结是中华民族独有的文化符号,具有丰富的内涵
- 中国结阅读答案这几年,有一个特别受宠的饰物——中国结.你看,在商店的橱窗里,在百姓的客厅中,在机关单位的大门口;在欢庆申奥成功的人群中()在归国旅游的白发苍苍的老华侨胸前()甚至在孩子们的颈上()在首都北京()在西南的少数民族的村寨()到处都可以看到中国结那富于丝绸质感的鲜红()美丽()典雅的造型()中国结以它那特有的风韵活跃在人们的视线里()装点着中华大地.中国结,是民间艺人的杰作.一根根红色的丝绳,经他们的巧妙纺织,成了巧夺天工的工艺品.如果再配以各种饰品,如鱼,如古钱,如十二生肖,那更是变化无穷,令人叹为观止.它们或象征着幸福,或隐喻着爱情,或赞美着生命;有的是喜庆的标志,有的是智慧的图腾;它烘托着欢乐,燃烧着热情……总之,它代表着祥和,代表着幸福,代表着中国人对未来的憧憬.中国结表现着中国心,饱含着中国情.中国结由一根丝绳缠结而成,( )这根绳经过如何曲折的缠绕,( )是不离不弃,始终围绕着它的起点,怪不得海外的华人特别喜欢中国结,( )他们知道自己是编织中国结的那根绳子的一部分.中华儿女