英语翻译Someone call me from TNT staff they inform that painting now with themI told them to deliver here and I am willing to pay on delivery timeshe don't agree instead she asking to pay thru BPI bank which is notavailable in Puerto.I am willing to pay that tax as long they candeliver that painting in my address.This is not the first time wereceived parcel from TNT I usually pay them when they delivered alsoshe told me to inform the seller to call them.M


Someone call me from TNT staff they inform that painting now with them
I told
them to deliver here and I am willing to pay on delivery time
she don't agree
instead she asking to pay thru BPI bank which is not
available in Puerto.I
am willing to pay that tax as long they can
deliver that painting in my
address.This is not the first time we
received parcel from TNT I usually pay
them when they delivered also
she told me to inform the seller to call them.
My husband order that
paintings and all bill was already settled.



TNT的工作人员打电话告诉我(我定的)画已经在他们那.我告诉他们把画给我送到我这里来,而且只要画被准时送到我很愿意当面付钱.但是她(打电话给我的工作人员)不同意我这么做,她要求我通过BPI银行付款,但是这家银行在波多(Puerto)不能付款(英文说得模糊,不确定是波多没有这家银行还是波多有这家银行但是银行没法实现付款的作用,反正其含义是这银行在波多干不了这事).我说知道画能送到,我愿意交那个税(that tax突然出现,不知道什么税,可能是*内的规则?).我不是第一次从TNT收包裹了,通常都是货到当面付款.她(打电话的工作人员)让我找一下卖方,让卖方打电话给他们(TNT).画是我丈夫订的,支票已经写好了.