

I climbed over the rail (栏杆) and stood on the edge of the bridge and looked at the water of the river.My knees felt a bit funny and started to shake.Why did I come up here and 36 a fool of myself?
I looked down at the 37 again.A leaf went 38 by.Then a log.The log passed the leaf.The current (水流) must be 39 ,I thought.Jim and Mark had already jumped.Then they stood on the 40 watching me.Steve was sitting on the bank,too,41_ his foot.Bob was on the opposite bank.He shouted at me,“Go in straight,42_ you’ll ‘kill’ yourself.” I was ready after he said that.
“OK,” I shouted back to 43_.“If Phil jumps,then,I will.” Phil ran over to 44 I was.He was built like me,so I figured ( 指望、期待) 45_ he could do it,so could I.Phil stood on the rail and then did a beautiful swan dive.
“OK,if Bob jumps again,I will.” Bob came up and jumped off.
“OK,if Jim jumps again,I will.” Jim came over,shaking his head 46_ and jumped.As soon as his head 47_ above the water,he said,“All right,now it’s your 48_ to jump.”
I looked up at the sky.I closed my eyes.Then I held my nose,let out a cry and jumped off.My eyes were closed and 49_ the way down I 50_ how it was in heaven.When I 51_ the water,feet first,the force turned 52_ and I could 53_ the current.My feet sunk in the mud.I pushed off,came to the surface,and swam to the shore.
Mark looked at me,“Wasn’t that 54_ ”
I looked at my red swollen (肿的) 55_ ,“Yes,certainly.”
36.A.make B.have C.do D.become
37.A.rail B.leaf C.log D.water
38.A.flying B.walking C.floating D.running
39.A.strong B.weak C.heavy D.cold
40.A.edge B.water C.bank D.bridge
41.A.to hold B.holding C.was holding D.held
42.A.and B.but C.or D.however
43.A.him B.her C.me D.them
44.A.what B.where C.who D.there
45.A.whether B.why C.how D.if
46.A.a little B.few C.little D.a few
47.A.disappeared B.found C.appeared D.discovered
48.A.chance B.turn C.right D.way
49.A.some of B.half C.part of D.all
50.A.wondered B.noticed C.knew D.understood
51.A.drank B.hit C.drove D.emptied
52.A.off B.in C.around D.again
53.A.feel B.touch C.see D.smell
54.A.surprised B.fun C.different D.easily
55.A.hands B.head C.feet D.arms

36-40 ADCAB 41-45 BCABD 46-50 ACBDD51-55BCABC