These emissions also seem that they may be a combination of overlappingpeaks (fig. 4(b), arrows). A small intensity change is noted on heating (dotted line), implying thatthe emission is slightly affected by temperature (fig. 4(b)). At higher temperatures (293\2673 K),the luminescent intensity decreases slightly without a significant wavelength shift. Recently, itwas reported that amorphous SiOx nanowires, fabricated by laser ablation of Si-SiO2-Fe target,emit blue light at 420 and 470 nm[9], which coincides with our result (fig. 4(b)), the 10 nm difference(420\2430 nm) probably being due to the presence of Fe. Note, however, that the signalsmay also arise from intrinsic SiO2 defects, which are stabilized by adjacent impurities.Fig. 3. Heat dissipating along a and c axes during nanowire growth (a), leaving ideal thermal diffusion space during largequantities of nanowires growth (b).
These emissions also seem that they may be a combination of overlapping peaks (fig. 4(b), arrows).这些放射也似乎/可能是一个重叠峰的组合(图4(b),箭头).A small intensity change is noted on heating (dotte...