The US have their first major releases for the week.The US Trade Balance for September will be released.The expectation is for the nominal Trade Balance to narrow to -60 B from -62.7 billion in August.The Trade Deficit should show some benefit from lower prices for oil imports and less demand for oil imports.On the negative side,the export side should suffer going forward as the stronger dollar and weaker growth hurt.The US will also announce the weekly
Initial (Unchanged at 480K) and Continuing Claims data (down to 3,825K vrom 3,843K).These numbers do not suggest an acceleration,but also do not show improvement.Switzerland will announce ZEW Sentiment which is expected to make a new all time low (-93.5 from -91.1 last month).PPI is also due to be released and continue its move down (down 3 months in a row by an average of 0.5%).German GDP is expected to decline by 0.2% Q/Q for the 2nd straight Quarterly decline.Trichet,and Feds Plosser and Stern speak.
美国有他们的第一个重大发布的一周.与美国的贸易平衡九月将被释放.人们期望的名义贸易平衡将缩减至-60 B的-62.7亿美元的8月.在贸易赤字应该表现出一些受益于较低价格进口石油,减少对石油的需求进口.在消极的一面,出口方应受到未来的强势美元和较弱的增长伤害.美国还宣布将每周初始(保持在480K )和持续申请失业救济数据(下降到3825K vrom 3843K ) .这些数字并不意味着加速,但也不会出现改善.瑞士将公布ZEW经济景气预期使一个新的历史低点( -93.5从上个月-91.1 ) .生产者价格指数也将被释放,并继续向下移动(跌3个月连续以平均0.5 % ) .德国国内生产总值预计将下降0.2 %的Q / Q报告第二季度连续下降.特里谢,以及联邦调查局普洛瑟和斯特恩发言.