如下 thanks


如下 thanks
9.稍等(电话用语)10.接电话11.在昨天的这个时候12.洗盘子13.做礼拜14.同意你的意见15.在十九世纪早期16.淋浴17.We are going on a _______ (trip).I am very _______ with it.(please)
18.A computer is very _______ in our everyday life.It can help us a lot.(use)
19.The bookshop is _______ at this time everyday.(close)
20.From four p.m.to six p.m.yesterday I _______ happily with my classmates.(chat)
21.Science is ______ difficult for some students ______ understand ,so many of them don’t like it.A.too,to B.enough,to C.much,to D.more,to
22.– Hi,Tony!I didn’t see you at the party.– Oh,I ______ for a test.
A.was studying B.studied C.am studying D.study
23.______ beautiful flowers!Thank you for giving me such beautiful flowers.
A.What B.What a C.How D.How a
24.Peter was playing the piano while Alice _______ .
A.was singing B.sang C.is singing D.singing
25.The bookshelf isn’t low enough for me to reach that book.
= The book is ______ _______ for me ______ reach that book.
= The book is ______ ______ ______ I can’t reach that book.

trip pleased useful closed was chatting aaaa too high to so high that上面的词组怎么没写hold on anser the phone this time yesterdayclean the platesgo to churchagree with you in the early 1800s get a shower