

The inspector of schools arrived yesterday morning,and he spent the whole day examining the classes.The headmaster had told us a few days ___1__ that he was coming.I think the headmaster was very __2___ about it,for every day,he came to all the classes,___3__ the teacher over and over again what they must do and examined the boys himself to see ___4__ they were ready for the inspector.He told us in our class that we were all fools and would be sure to __5___ him lose face before the inspector.
  All ___6__ made us very nervous,and when the inspector wandered into our class,we were all __7___ with fright.I felt that all I __8___ knew had gone clean __9___ my head.
  The inspector is a tall man.He wears glasses and always looks very strict.He __10___ examining the class in English,and I was asked to read.I felt very nervous,but I got __11___ without any bad mistakes.Some of the other boys,__12___ did not do so well and the inspector __13___ serious,though he did not say __14___.
  We got along better with history and geography,but when it came to maths he set us some very __15___ problems to solve which we ___16__ to do,so he looked very black at teacher.Our teacher was very __17___ with us afterwards.But I am sure we should have done better if we had not been so __18___.I think I should like to be __19___ when I grow up,because everyone should be __20___ of me.
( )1A.later B.before C.after D.ago
  ( )2A.eager B.nervous C.afraid D.sure
  ( )3A.demanded B.promised C.told D.asked
  ( )4A.whether B.how C.why D.that
  ( )5A.let B.get C.take D.make
  ( )6A.what B.which C.this D.those
  ( )7A.listening B.shouting C.exciting D.shaking
  ( )8A.never B.often C.ever D.even
  ( )9A.off B.away C.over D.out of
  ( )10A.kept B.stopped C.finished D.went
  ( )11A.on B.through C.ready D.out
  ( )12A.whatever B.otherwise C.however D.though
  ( )13A.looked B.felt C.seemed D.sounded
  ( )14A.many B.much C.few D.little
  ( )15A.easy B.hard C.interesting D.simple
  ( )16A.wanted B.failed C.liked D.managed
  ( )17A.satisfied B.surprised C.angry D.strict
  ( )18A.naughty B.careless C.frightened D.discouraged
  ( )19A.an inspector B.headmaster C.a teacher D.an office
  ( )20A.Afraid B.fond C.proud D.careful

B B C A D C D C D A B C A B B B C B A A第7应该是D, 18题应该是C,刚刚看错了~(楼上的答案货不对板···)翻译请看~~希望采纳~~督学昨天早上来到学校,并花了一整天的时间来检查教学工作。几天前,校长就告诉了我们他要来。我觉得校长对此事很担心,他每天都到各个教室,一遍又一遍地告诉老师应该做什么,并考察孩子们 来看看孩子们是否做好了准备。他在班里对我们说,我们这么傻,一定会让他在督学面前丢脸的。所有的这些事都让我们很紧张,当他漫步走进教室时,我们都吓得直哆嗦,。我感到我所知道的都从我头脑中丢干净了。督学是个高个子,戴着眼镜并且看起来很严格。他不停地考察我们英语,而我被要求阅读了,我觉得很紧张,不过还是通过了阅读检测。有些孩子看起来做的不是很好,看到如此多学生回答不好,督学的脸色很难看,所以他没有说很多话。我们的历史和地理还答得不错;但当来到数学时,他让我们解决一些非常难的问题,我们没能做到,所以他非常愤怒地看着我们的老师。后来我们的老师把气都撒在了我们身上。但我很肯定如果我们没有那么害怕我们会做得更好。我决定长大后要当督学,因为这样每个人都会怕我。