

The operating conditions were 40 kV and 40 mA employing a 0.15-mm slit in front of the detector.

kV 和 mA 分别是电压单位(千伏)和电流单位(毫安)
操作条件是 40千伏,40毫安的情况下,在探测器前面使用0.15毫米的狭缝.
怎么都感觉别扭,上下文能不能也给出来.Structural aspects of aromatic polymers were analyzed using X-ray diffraction technique. Powder XRD measurements were made on PW-1830 machine by using monochromatic CuKa.The scanning range was set from 5 to 90,the step size was 0.04 with a scanning rate of 1 step/s. The operating conditions were 40 kV and 40 mA employing a 0.15-mm slit in front of the detector.兄弟,这就是整段话了。太太太专业了!~~都怀疑之前翻译的对不对了。按意思理解来讲,先前的翻译也可以讲得通死了好多脑细胞~~