Walter's goal in life was become a successfully doctor.He knew he had to finish high school first,so he put his heart into his study - in particular,biology,chemistry,and maths.Because he worked hard at these subjects,Walter became googd at it.However,Walter forgot that he needed to master some other subjects besides those he had been chosen.As a result,Walter fails both English and Latin in the end of the second school year.But he had to repest these subjects and he was almost unable to graduate like pawned.Walter learned a goog lesson.
Walter's goal of life was to become a successful doctor.He knew he had to finish high school first,so he put his heart into his study - in particular,biology,chemistry,and maths.Because he worked hard at these subjects,Walter became googd at them .However,Walter forgot that he needed to master some other subjects besides those he had chosen .As a result,Walter failed both English and Latin at the end of the second school year.He had to repest these subjects and was almost unable to graduate like pawned.Walter learned a goog lesson.