

The arguments advanced for this kind of varnishing of history are not completely unanswerable,even in hard commercial terms.Some occupiers do,in fact,take pride in careful preservation,even accepting operational inconvenience for the sake of a building whose original qualities they value.From the point of view of the building conservator,certainly,there can be no philosophical defence for using an old building as raw material for the creation of a falsehood,however saleable the finished product may be.To destroy original material unnecessarily cannot be what we mean by preservation - and to attempt to improve on the past is simply to garble the story that the building has been preserved to relate.
The whole of Henry the Seventh's chapel,both external and internal,is so extremely fine and so exquisite a model of Gothick architecture that it is sincerely to be wished that no modern hand might ever be suffered to touch it,but as the teeth of time have already destroyed many parts of its exterior ornaments it ought to be repaired before it is too late,but with a most scrupulous adherence to its original form; not an ornament or single member should suffer the least alteration and if it was possible to build a case for the whole to prevent all further injuries,it would be doing no more than this amazing piece of art richly merits.
