

1.Journalists are regard as conscience of society,and many find it increasingly difficult to come up with factual news stories.(这里的many什么用法啊?)
2.Therefore it takes great determination and perseverance to be a genuinely dependable journalist.(take.这句话咋理解啊?)
3.A trustworthy journalist must be able to report keen observations on the covered events.(这句怎么翻译啊?be able to report keen...)
4.Penetrating insights and outstanding analytical skills are required to create in-depth coverage of events.(be required to...怎么翻译啊?)

1:新闻记者被认为是社会良知的代表,他们中的很多人因此更加觉得很难作出真实的新闻报道.many在这里指代many people.例子:House prices in China are sky-high.Many find it impossible to afford one,no mather ho...