Do you think that some areas of knowledge are more certain than others?Why or why not?
Do you think that some areas of knowledge are more certain than others?Why or why not?
想了下.觉得小学,中学课上的知识 都是certain than others 吧.因为这些方方面面的基础知识 或是帮助一个人 在社会中生存,自己对未来的人生规划(因为可能会引起对某些方面的兴趣,而钻研或从事些什么).哦 谢谢 那以下这个问题能帮我一下么?谢谢Do you think it is seriously possible that you could be dreaming right now? Why or why not?我了个去。这是哲学么?。。从以往的人生经验来看。 现实与梦境的区别可以是, 意识可以在长时间重复地思考同一问题的状态下。并对周围环境的变化而产生reaction的前提下。