谁能帮我 写2个 英语 对话!下午考口语.Topics for Oral Test1.Winter vacation is coming.Talk about your plans.A:You are free the whole winter vacation and may go for traveling somewhere and tell B why you choose to go there.B:You want to take some part-time jobs and gain some working experience.2.How do you understand success in life?A:Say something about your understanding about “success” and you think the final result is more important than process of achieving succes


谁能帮我 写2个 英语 对话!下午考口语.
Topics for Oral Test
1.Winter vacation is coming.Talk about your plans.
A:You are free the whole winter vacation and may go for traveling somewhere and tell B why you choose to go there.
B:You want to take some part-time jobs and gain some working experience.
2.How do you understand success in life?
A:Say something about your understanding about “success” and you think the final result is more important than process of achieving success.
B:You don’t agree with A and think the process is also important.
A:Give your examples to support your idea.
B; Give your examples to support your idea.
3.Among all your teachers,who has the greatest influence on you and in what way?
A:Tell B something about a teacher that you two both know and give the reason why you like him or her.
B:Agree with B and give some details about how this teacher help you.And you may mention another teacher that you like.
4.Talk about the jobs you may do after graduation.
A:Say something about the situation of current job market and tell B you may prefer to get a job directly after graduation and you can
B:You tell A you may choose to pursue further study in graduate school and tell A the advantage of doing so.
A:Discuss with B how you two can achieve your dreams by studying hard and enhancing certain abilities in college.
5.How do you deal with pressures from your studies?
A:Tell B the pressure that you have recently in studies.
B:Tell A your own problems .
A:Discuss with B how you can ease the situation.
6.Talk about independent learning.
A:Discuss with B the importance of independent learning.
B:Discuss with B the benefits of independent learning.
A:Tell B the problems that you have now in learning independently.
B:Give A some advice.
6个任选2个!我全部 58分 都给了!120个字以上.2人对话.

帮拉~ 1. Winter break planA: What is your plan for winter break?B: I am thinking about finding a part time job and get some working experience. A: Wow, that sounds like a good plan. Did you find a com...