小学英语阅读理解Mary:Hello,Lucy!Let's go to the Post Office.I want to send a letter.Lucy:OK.Let's go.I want to send some postcards.Mary:Where do you send your postcards?Lucy:I'll send them to America.And where do you send it?Mary:I think ten yuan or more.Lucy:That's too expensive.Mary:I think so.Lucy:Why not send an e—mail on the computer?Mary:That's a good idea.Let's go and find a computer.Lucy:Can you write an e—mail?Mary:Yes,I can.根据对话内容回答问题1.Where d


Mary:Hello,Lucy!Let's go to the Post Office.I want to send a
Lucy:OK.Let's go.I want to send some postcards.
Mary:Where do you send your postcards?
Lucy:I'll send them to America.And where do you send it?
Mary:I think ten yuan or more.
Lucy:That's too expensive.
Mary:I think so.
Lucy:Why not send an e—mail on the computer?
Mary:That's a good idea.Let's go and find a computer.
Lucy:Can you write an e—mail?
Mary:Yes,I can.
1.Where do Mary and Lucy want to go?
2.What do they want yo do?
3.Where will Mary send the letter?
4.Where will Mary send the letter?
5.Is it too expensive to send the letter to America?
6.What do they send at last?
7.Can you write an e—mail on the computer?
8.Do you send an e—mail to your friend?
9.How do you think about the computer?

1 They want to go to the Post Office.2 They want to send a letter and send some postcards.3 The Post Office.5 Yes,it is.6 They write an e-mail in the INTERNET.7 Yes,i can.(视个人情况而地定) 8 Yes,i ca...