第一个句子:Her lips and chin had a gentle firmness,and in her pale green suit she was like springtime come alive.


第一个句子:Her lips and chin had a gentle firmness,and in her pale green suit she was like springtime come alive.
这个句子应该怎么样分析结构?最后部分she was like springtime come alive为什么不是she was like springtime coming alive呢?
第二个句子:This would be a friendship for which i had been and must ever be grateful.翻译的是"一种我曾经感激,并将永远感激的友情."must ever be grateful怎么是"永远"的意思呢?"永远"不是应该是"forever"么?

Her lips and chin had a gentle firmness,是并列句的第一个分句
and in her pale green suit she was like springtime come alive.是并列句
的第二个分句,其中 in her pale green suit 是状语,意思穿着浅绿色的衣
服;she was like springtime come alive 是句子的主干.
she was like springtime come alive.你的问题问得特别到位,学习不够严谨
come alive 在这里视为 过去分词短语作 springtime 的后置修饰语,
就是补足语.也就是说 like 是介词,springtime 是介词的宾语,come alive
就是宾语补足语.这种用法很少见,主要是 come 在这里是一个系动词,能这样
用的场合并不多,除了这个 come alive ,come ture 就是最常见的了.例如:
To be able to stand here is like my dream come ture.
这个你查字典就会发现 ever的意思有多种解释,它有副词 始终、永远的意
You will find me ever at your service.你会发现我永远听命于你.