

the side job(work-at-home job) or domestic help mentioned in section1 and section2is considered to be a kind of work arrangement from which person earned money by his/her own labor in accordance to article 19 of The Employment Insurance Act.to be specific,being different fro,the "employment",side job or domestic help is undertaken by such way as being employed by an employer,being self-employed,providing a paid help to others or participating in wolunteer activities on condition that the working hours each day in principle are less than 4 hours.(in case that the daily income of a work is less than the established minimum daily wage,it also can be considered as a side job or domestic help even though its working hours per day is more than 4 hours).moreover,by the case of unpaid side job and domestic help,please make a reference to the description in section 1.

汗……我中文真是太差了,看不懂什么叫内职,然后上网google 了很久,看到内职指的是妃嫔?我看你翻译成work-at-home,是不是指亲戚之间的雇佣关系啊……你要是知道的话,百度信息告诉我吧.3q了.
原文:the side job(work-at-home job) or domestic help mentioned in section 1 and section 2 is considered to be a kind of work arrangement from which person earned money by his/her own labor in accordance to article 19 of The Employment Insurance Act.
修改:According to Article 19 of the Employment Law,内职 or journeyman in section 1 and section 2 refer to the work from which people can receive income.
原文:to be specific,being different fro,the "employment",side job or domestic help is undertaken by such way as being employed by an employer,being self-employed,providing a paid help to others or participating in volunteer activities on condition that the working hours each day in principle are less than 4 hours.
修改:No matter what kind of work it is,as long as you can receive income from the work (such as being employed,self-employed or journeyman or participate in volunteer activities),but the working time of a day is less than 4 fours (except being insured by employment insurance),it is not considered as “being employed).
原文:(In case that the daily income of a work is less than the established minimum daily wage,it also can be considered as a side job or domestic help even though its working hours per day is more than 4 hours).
修改:Even if the working time of a day is more than four hours,it can be considered as内职或帮工 as along as the wage of a day does not meet the stipulated minimum wage.
原文:Moreover,by the case of unpaid side job and domestic help,please make a reference to the description in section 1.
修改:Besides,as for the 内职 or journeyman without income,please refer to records in Section 1.