the real pronunciation of the word"suite"?


the real pronunciation of the word"suite"?
i work in a hotel now.our hotel has many kinds of rooms such like king bedroom,twin bedroom and suite.what makes me so strange is,many foreign guests often pronouns this word "suite" like the word "suit",but i have checked the dictionary and found that this word should be pronounsed like the word "sweet".so i want to know which is right.thank you for replying!

the guests are right…But my mean is not the dictionary wrong.You can check it over again to make sure…you know I mean?Thank you for your answering. The guests maybe just pronouns the word based on the word-spelling. Yesterday I had watched a film about 007 which is called "the gold finger". In this film, a waitress told James Bond so " this is`s suite" and she pronoused the word "sweet". Now, I know which is right.