

It was when I wrote about a group of US stedents visting our school.I focused on (关注) what was different and the same between Chinese and American students.The story was picked by Chongqing as the cloze passage in the 2009 English entrance exam for senior high scholl .I am so pround of it!I'm so proud of being a Teens school report!
是school reporter ,打的太急了,

那时我写过一篇美国学生参观我们学校的文章/报道.我的重点放在中美学生的相同和差异之上.那个故事被重庆选做了2009年中考英语的完形填空.对此我感到十分荣幸,我很自豪我是个青少年校记者.是school reporter把?