麻烦分析一下下面这个句子,I discovered that the offer my (potentially) new employer has made is at the rock-bottom of the range.补上翻译:我发现:(可能的)新雇主给出的工资属于最低水平.需要分析一下这个语序,主要是 the offer 后面是不是需要补充一个什么词?


I discovered that the offer my (potentially) new employer has made is at the rock-bottom of the range.
需要分析一下这个语序,主要是 the offer 后面是不是需要补充一个什么词?

I discovered that the offer (my potential new employer has made) is at the rock-bottom of the range.offer后面省略了that, my potential new employer has made是形容the offer的.翻译为:我的可能的雇主给出...