关于should we give money to beggars英语作文


关于should we give money to beggars英语作文

We often see beggars in the street,in front of the shop or at the railway station.Their hands are dirty,and their clothes are old.They look very poor.Should we give money to them?My answer is "No".
I think most of them beg in the street not because they are poor,but because they are lazy.They want to make money easily.People should live on their own.
Today there are more and more beggars in our streets.Sometimes I am puzzling that should I help them or not.Why?Because some of them are really poor and others only want to cheat.
Since that,what should we do?Of course,we should help the beggars.But I don’t think it is an effective way to give them money.In my opinion,our government should play a role.
First,the government can launch some provisional receiving stations and announce the telephone number.If we see some beggars in the streets,we can phone to these stations.As soon as the clerks of the stations get the news they will arrive immediately.Then they will bring the beggars into stations.
After entering the provisional stations,the clerk is able to investigate his or her true identify by using the internet.If the person is really poor,he will be arranged a job or live in the professional receiving stations if he is old enough.
Then,how about these cheaters?Perhaps our government should make some laws.
All in all,what I want to emphasis is that we should help the real beggars by effective way.