I should very much like to have gone to that party of theirs,but I was not invited.为什么用 was not invited.,而不用had not been invited
I should very much like to have gone to that party of theirs,but I was not invited.
为什么用 was not invited.,而不用had not been invited
should have done sth相当于过去时,说明事情发生在过去,如果用过去完成时翻译出来意思就不对了,这里是对过去情况的介绍,说明自己没被邀请.但是我听老师说过这里用过去式还是完成式都可以,不过要视情况而定,这题两个选项都有的话要选最佳选项.请采纳!谢谢!