英语翻译Lily is Lisa's classmate.SHE moved to Lisa's neighbourhood last week.Lisa lives at 305 Sun Building.Today is Saturday.Lisa is playing in front of the sun builaing.She is happy to see Lily here.Lily:Good morning,Lisa.Lisa:Good morning,Lily.Nice to see you here.Lily:I moved to this neighbourhood last week.Lisa:Really?Welcome to my neighbourhood.Lily:Thank you.By the way,I want to go to the post office.But where is it?Lisa:Go straight along this road


Lily is Lisa's classmate.SHE moved to Lisa's neighbourhood last week.Lisa lives at 305 Sun Building.Today is Saturday.Lisa is playing in front of the sun builaing.She is happy to see Lily here.
Lily:Good morning,Lisa.
Lisa:Good morning,Lily.Nice to see you here.
Lily:I moved to this neighbourhood last week.
Lisa:Really?Welcome to my neighbourhood.
Lily:Thank you.By the way,I want to go to the post office.But where is it?
Lisa:Go straight along this road.When you get to the main street,turn left.Go straight along that street.you will see a gree n building on the left.The post office is in it.
Lily:Thank you
Lisa:You are welcome.