六年级英语课文翻译Lingling and Dongdong are waiting for a bus.The bus is going to take them to the beach."What are we going to do?""We're going to swim."Who are we going to meet Anne,Peter and Mingming.The children sit on the beach.When are we going to swim?We're going to swim soon.We're going to put on our swimming suits first.Dongdong wants his lunch.He is hungry.Can we have lunch first?No,we can't.Don't swim after a meal,Dongdong.It's dangerous.这篇课文是什么意思?谁能


Lingling and Dongdong are waiting for a bus.The bus is going to take them to the beach."What are we going to do?""We're going to swim."Who are we going to meet Anne,Peter and Mingming.The children sit on the beach.When are we going to swim?We're going to swim soon.We're going to put on our swimming suits first.Dongdong wants his lunch.He is hungry.Can we have lunch first?No,we can't.Don't swim after a meal,Dongdong.It's dangerous.这篇课文是什么意思?谁能帮帮我?急需啊!

玲玲和东东是在等公共汽车公共汽车将带他们去海边。“我们该做些什么呢?”“我们去游泳吧。“谁是我们去见安妮,彼得和明明孩子们坐在海滩上当我们去游泳吗我们要去游泳很快我们要放在我们的泳装第一. 希望他的午餐的东东…他饿了我们可以一起吃午饭吗?不,我们不能。用餐后不要游泳,东东它很的危险,

玲玲和东东在等公交。公交会带他们去海滩。“我们要去干什么?”“我们要去游泳”“我们要去见谁?”Anne,Peter 还有明明。孩子们坐在海边。“我们什么时候去游泳”“我们马上就去游泳”“我们要先去换上泳衣”。东东想要他的午餐。他饿了。“我们能不能先吃午餐?”“不行。不能饭后游泳,东东,这很危险”


玲玲和东东是在等公共汽车公共汽车将带他们去海边。“我们该做些什么呢?”“我们去游泳吧。“谁是我们去见安妮,彼得和明明孩子们坐在海滩上当我们去游泳吗我们要去游泳很快我们要放在我们的泳装第一. 希望他的午餐的东东…他饿了我们可以一起吃午饭吗?不,我们不能。用餐后不要游泳,东东它很的危险,