英语翻译2.当我看见飞碟是感到惊讶I was very ___ ___ ___ the UFO.3.Then can see students playing ping-pong in the after-school club between 3o'clovk to 5o'clock.(变为被动句)4.The children got very dirty and the mother couldn't help shouting to them.(改错)有追分


I was very ___ ___ ___ the UFO.
3.Then can see students playing ping-pong in the after-school club between 3o'clovk to 5o'clock.(变为被动句)
4.The children got very dirty and the mother couldn't help shouting to them.(改错)

1.The young often dress up to go to the party.
2.surprised when seeing
3.Then students can be seen playing ping-pong in the after-school club between 3o'clovk to 5o'clock.
4. to---at

1The young are always dressed well for the party.2I was very amazed at seeing the UFO(be amazed at doing sth.是做某事时很惊讶)3 Students can be seen to play pingpong in the after-school club between ...