根据以下内容写一封外贸函电2根据下面所示条件写一封报盘函:a.         买方询盘收悉时间为2003年9月28日,所询问的产品为:货 号为63-12的棉质床单2400打b.        价格:成本加运费加保险费到纽约价为每打136美元其中包括我方3%的佣金.c.         包装:每纸箱12打d.        付款方式:用即期汇票支付的,保兑的,不可撤消的信用证e.         装运:10月底装运f.          保险:按发票金额的110%投保一切险和战争险g.         有效期:7天


a.         买方询盘收悉时间为2003年9月28日,所询问的产品为:货 号为63-12的棉质床单2400打
b.        价格:成本加运费加保险费到纽约价为每打136美元其中包括我方3%的佣金.c.         包装:每纸箱12打
d.        付款方式:用即期汇票支付的,保兑的,不可撤消的信用证
e.         装运:10月底装运
f.          保险:按发票金额的110%投保一切险和战争险
g.         有效期:7天

Dear Sirs,
Thank you for your enquiry of September 28, 2003 and we are glad to learn that you are interested in our Cotton Bed Sheets. We are making you an offer, subject to your early reply reaching us within 7 days, as follows:
Article: ART, No.63-12 Cotton Bed sheets\x0bPrice: USD136 per dozen CIFC3% New York\x0bPacking: in cartons of 12 dozen each
Shipment: to be effected not later than the end of October\x0bPayment: by confirmed, irrevocable L/C, payable by draft at sight.
Insurance: to be effected for 110% of the total invoice value covering All Risks and War Risk.
We are looking forward to your early order