


China Council for the Promotion of International Trade,CCPIT
one of the majoy exporters
business scope
enjoying high reputation all over home and abroad
one the basis of mutual benifit and supplies what's other need's
enclosed please find our copy of catalogue
for your reference only
state-owned coporation

China Council for the Promotion of International trad
one of the major exporters
scope of business
have won fame both at home and abroad, with a long standing reputation
on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and exchange of needed goods
enclose a copy of our catalogue
for your reference
state-owned company

China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT or C.C.P.I.T.)
one of the major exporting companies
scope of business
famous both at home and abroad,with a long standing reputation
Based on the terms of equality,mutual Benefit and helping to meet each other's needs.
enclose a copy of our catalogue
for your information
national corporation