英语翻译From English into Chinese (1) Standing credit (2) Entertain a claim (3) CIF (4) With particular average(5) Leading importer (6) Shipping mark(7 Purchase Contract(8) T.P.N.D(9) Advice of charge(10) Private & Confidential (11) Documentary bill(12) Illustrated catalog(13) Favorable price(14) Foul bill of lading(15)In quadruplicate(16) Seaworthy(17) Counter-offer(18) Ordering bank(19) Weight or measurement(20) Marine bill of ladingFrom Chinese into En


From English into Chinese
(1) Standing credit
(2) Entertain a claim
(3) CIF
(4) With particular average
(5) Leading importer
(6) Shipping mark
(7 Purchase Contract
(8) T.P.N.D
(9) Advice of charge
(10) Private & Confidential
(11) Documentary bill
(12) Illustrated catalog
(13) Favorable price
(14) Foul bill of lading
(15)In quadruplicate
(16) Seaworthy
(17) Counter-offer
(18) Ordering bank
(19) Weight or measurement
(20) Marine bill of lading
From Chinese into English
(1) 独家代理
(2) 商务参赞处
(3) 清洁提单
(4) 报价
(5) 议付银行
(6) 形式发票
(7) 水渍险
(8) 售货确认书
(9) 保兑的、不可撤销信用证
(10) 装船通知
(11) 人为不可抗力
(12) 保险费
(13) 保证书
(14) 货运代理商
(15) 远期信用证
(16) 存货清单
(17) 出口申请人
(18) 支付条件
(19) 付款交单
(20) 收货人

(1) 立着的信用
(2) 娱乐一个要求
(3) CIF
(4) 藉由特别的平均
(5) 领导的输入者
(6) 运送标志
(8) T.P.N.D
(9) 费用的忠告
(10) 二等兵 & 机密的
(11) 文件的帐单
(12) 列举的目录
(13) 有利的价格
(14) 装载的污秽的瓦盖上帐单
(16) 适于航海的
(17) 柜台-提议
(18) 排序银行
(19) 重量或测量
(20) 装载的海产帐单
(1) Sole agent
(2) Commercial attache
(3) Sweep bill of lading
(4) Offer
(5) The argument pays bank
(6) Form invoice
(7) W.A.
(8) Sales confirmation
(9) Confirm of, can't cancel a letter of credit
(10)The shipment notifies
(11) Artificial force majeure
(12) Premium
(13) Guarantee certificate
(14) Freight transportation business agent
(15) Long-term letter of credit
(16) Inventory of goods in stock
(17) Export an applicant
(18) Pay a condition
(19) Documents against payment
(20) Consignee

1.信誉2.接受要求3.CIF为贸易术语,意思是成本+保险+运费(卖方出),规定了买卖双方权 利和义务,以及货物风险的划分4.WAP 水渍险5.主要进口商6.标记唛码7.购货合同8.偷窃提货不着险(Theft,Pilferage & Non-delivery)9....